Core Interaction

Week 1

1/25 –1/28

Friday, Lab


  • Finish the questionnaire.
  • Set up your GitHub account and GitHub desktop app by following this demo video. Note that this demo uses Sublime, but I personally prefer to use VS Code.
  • Create a basic home page for your GitHub account, making sure that your GitHub Pages site is set up properly. If I visit your site, I should be able to see it at a domain that looks similar to this: (mine redirects to my personal site 🙂).

Thursday, Studio


  • Read Can the Internet be Archived? and write a discussion question. Andrea is our discussion leader.
  • Sign up for Figma and download the desktop app as well as the font installer, DO NOT skip the font installer step! Then join our team – you will design in the project with your name on it.
  • Cross-Platform Storytelling – Brainstorm the subject matter for your cross platform storytelling project. Using Figma, sketch out three different ideas for your project. You can either sketch out 3 stories and the platforms you’d use OR 1 story told in 3 different ways and the platforms you’d use for each. Be ready to share your work on Tuesday.

Tuesday, Studio


  • Turn in your introduction slideshow on canvas
  • Reading: A Vernacular Web
  • Watch the two lectures: Cyberspace Origins and Internet Today on the vimeo and prepare to talk about them. PW is “interaction”
  • Reading leaders: Olivia and Veronica
  • Everyone else writes a discussion comment or question here. Reading leaders, please prepare information on Olia Lialina and highlight examples of her work, in addition to contextualizing and summarizing the reading. Prepare comments and questions around this. Please also connect the reading to the two lectures.